torsdag 4 mars 2010

Fått två awards =)

Denna fick jag av Snoopy och det är jättekul! Så här lät nomineringen: "These nominees are talented, caring, & encouraging and their blogs reflect that".

The rules

1. Comment on this blog.
2. Cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog.
3. Nominate 10 blogs that make your heart smile.
4. Link to your nominees within your blog post.
5. Comment on their blogs to let them know they received the award.
6. Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.

De nomierade kommer imorgon, har inte ork att fixa med allt ikväll, snart sovdax!

Sen fick jag denna av Erika:

The Sunshine Blog Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity an creativity inspire others in the blog world. The rules for accepting the award are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3. Link the moninees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Denna skickar jag till alla er som inte redan har fått den, ni är alla lika värda den! =)

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