onsdag 30 november 2011

Digistamps4joy Challenge #33 "Christmas - but no mouse in my house"

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

We in the designteam had a fun challenge this time, as the theme says: CHRISTMAS - NO creatures, NOT EVEN A MOUSE
We had to make a card or projects without animals in it, so had to choose the image I wanted to work with really careful and I made an ornament. 
I printed my Christmas wreath image, on fabric, but it didn't co-operate completly so had to do some fabric piecing! =) 
In the end it turned out quite good and I colored it with my promarkers, definitly have to try it again! =)

Vi i designteamet hade en rolig utmaning framför oss denna gången, som temat säger: Jul - inga djur, inte ens en mus!
Vi skulle göra ett kort eller annat projekt utan djur, så vi fick välja den bild vi skulle jobba med utan något djur och jag gjorde en dekoration!
Jag skrev ut min julkransbild på tyg, men den samarbetade inte riktigt så fick pussla lite! =)
Färglade den med mina promarkers, måste helt klart testa detta fler gånger! =)

This challenge will run for 4 weeks, not 2, so that you can all have a little break.
If someone enters a Christmas ... no mouse card to the inlinkz, they will be permitted to enter an "Anything Goes" card too, BUT it MUST have a DS4J image.

 If you enter a papercraft project into the inlinkz below, using a non-Digistamps 4 Joy image, you will get one entry into the random draw.


If you use a Digistamps 4 Joy image on your entry, you triple your chances of winning .... you get THREE entries into the random draw! Now isn't that a bonus!?!

One random winner will be chosen (random.org) to win 3 images of choice from the store.

We will then have a DT's choice award. This award will go to the card / project that we vote to be our favourite (and must be a digistamps4joy image). This winner will receive a $6 gift voucher to spend in the store. We hope that there will be an entry (or two) using a Digistamps 4 Joy image, as there wasn't one in the previous challenge.

You do not need to use a Digistamps4Joy image to win, but we’d love it if you do!
We will choose 2 runners-up who we feel deserve a spot in the top 3.

Challenge Rules
You can use any image for the challenges. See above.
You have two weeks to enter the challenge.
You may enter a maximum of three (3) entries per DIGISTAMPS 4 JOY challenge.
Your entry must be new. No backlinking to previous posts.
Please link back to Digistamps 4 Joy blog.
Projects that do not follow the theme will not be entered into the draw.
Please use the Inlinkz to link to your CARD/ PROJECT only, please don't link to your entire blog.
You may combine this challenge with other challenges.
If you don't have a blog then please load your card/project into the gallery on the website, and link to that.

The most important rule, however, is to have fun!

I'm also adding this into these challenges:

Pattie's Creations Design Challenge #34: Christmas


8 kommentarer:

  1. Hej vännen!
    Fint det blev.
    Hade du ett tyg som var tvättat?
    Tackar det har blivit 6.2 kilo mindre Skruttmärtha
    Jag passar på att köpa när Panduro har Rea.
    9 December öppnar dom Slöjd-Detaljer i Stockholm.
    Vi har +2 blir ju så kallt när det blåser.
    Hoppas samtalet gick bra för dej.
    Får ta det lugnt idag oxå nackspärren ger inte med sej.
    Ha en bra dag
    Kramar från Gun-Britt

  2. Så snyggt det blev. Ja inte kan man bli klokare på de samtalen. I år var det nytt för oss att man skulle säga vad man tycker om chefen, det tyckte jag var märkligt. Kram

  3. Ja igår blev det lugnt efter träningen.... :) nu blir dte lugnt först på fredag, ack vad jag längtar :)

    Vad för böcker skriver hon? kram

  4. Ja får hoppas på det..... det vore gött.... :)

    okej, Agatha Christie har jag inte heller läst :) kram

  5. En pepparkaka funkar alltid så här till jul :)
    Det kommer sannolikt bli massa pepparkakor här till glöggkvällen jag ska ha om ca 2 veckor..

    HOppas du haft en härlig kväll

  6. vilket fint kort! :) Sv: Jaa, känns himla bra faktiskt! :) te är så gott, drack oxå te igårkväll med smak av citron! :) kram

  7. Very cute! Thanks for playing in our challenge!
    ♥ Steph
    DT for Pattie's Creations Challenge!

  8. Elenor,
    This is perfect for our challenge at Pattie’s Creations. Thanks for joining us!
    Pattie ♥
